Lithium battery material recycling technology -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Briefly describe the recycling technology of positive and negative pole materials of lithium batteries -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

1. Recycling of positive materials

First of all, the positive active substance is effectively separated from the conductive aluminum foil in order to achieve the recovery of the positive electrode material. The current commonly used methods are: ① scraper; ② high temperature incineration; ③ organic solvent dissolving; ④ electrolytic stripping.

The lithium -ion battery is used as a positive electrode with a lithium compound, and only lithium ion has no metal lithium. Usually it is lithium manganate, lithium cobaltate, lithium iron phosphate, nickel cobalt manganate and other materials. At present, most of the active substances of the positive electrode of the lithium ion battery are still used. The advantages of lithium cobaltate have attracted the interest of many researchers. The power lithium batteries of electric bicycles and electric vehicles have potential.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

With the exhaustion of this non -renewable mineral resources, and the positive electrode material accounts for 40%of the total battery cost, if the cobalt, nickel, and lithium in the positive electrode materials are effectively recovered, the waste is used to realize the recycling of materials, and the recycling of materials, and the recycling of materials. It can not only alleviate the crisis of the mineral resources, but also achieve sustainable development, but also bring huge economic benefits.

2. Recycling of negative materials

There are many types of lithium -ion battery negative materials: ① Metal materials: such as lithium metal; ② inorganic non -metal materials: importantly, carbon materials, silicon materials and other non -metal composite materials; Carbon, graphite and non -graphite carbon materials. Lithium titanate has a very good cycle life, safety and multiplier performance, and can also be used as an electrode material as an electrode material. The important disadvantage is that it will reduce the energy density of the battery.

Some companies have developed tin alloy for negative materials, but they are still in the research stage less. The electrolytic copper foil with a thickness of the conductive set fluid is 715 & mu; M electrolytic copper foil can be recycled. The carbon powder that is attached to it can also be recycled as additives such as plastic and rubber. Therefore, first of all, the component of the negative electrode composition of the waste lithium ion battery must be effectively separated to maximize the use of waste lithium -ion battery resource use.

The dilemma faced by the lithium ion battery recycling

1. The consciousness of people's consciousness of recycling of waste lithium ion batteries is weak

2. The recycling processing of waste lithium ion batteries is complicated, and the cost is high

3. Insufficient government support

The resource or harmless disposal of waste lithium -ion batteries is an objective requirement of the international market to my country's lithium -ion battery industry. The failure battery has long been included in dangerous solid wastes in developed countries such as Europe and the United States.

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