Advances in high-performance lithium-sulfur -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Advances in high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Recently, the research group of Professor Xu Maowen from the Department of Materials and Energy of Southwest University has made important progress in the design and development of high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries. Relevant research results were published in the international energy journal Advanced Energy Materials (Advanced Energy Materials) under the title of "Double-ShelledNiO-NiCo2O4HeterostructureCarbonHollowNanocagesasAnEfficientSulfurHostforAdvancedLithium-SulfurBatteries", with an impact factor of 16.72. The school is the first completion unit of the achievement, the master students Hu Linyu and Dai Chunlong are the co-first authors of the paper, and Professor Xu Maowen is the corresponding author.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

With the increasingly severe environmental problems and the rapid development of electronic electric devices, it is imperative to design and develop efficient energy storage devices. Lithium-sulfur batteries are considered to be one of the most promising next-generation energy storage systems due to their high energy density, high theoretical capacity, abundant sulfur cathode resources, low price, and environmental friendliness. However, due to the poor conductivity of the sulfur cathode material and its discharge product lithium sulfide, the volume effect and the "shuttle effect" during the charging and discharging process, the utilization rate of sulfur in the battery is low, the capacity decay is fast, and the rate performance is poor, which seriously hinders the Commercialization of lithium-sulfur batteries.

In response to these problems, Prof. Maowen Xu's research group designed and synthesized a double-layer core-shell NiO-NiCo2O4 heterojunction C hollow nanocages as a sulfur carrier, which was used in lithium-sulfur batteries for the first time. This hollow structure can not only provide sufficient space for sulfur storage, but also effectively deal with the volume effect during sulfur charge and discharge; in addition, NiO-NiCo2O4 heterojunction nanocages can take advantage of the unique advantages of their own composition to effectively suppress polysulfides The dissolving and diffusion of the material can promote the kinetic process in its conversion reaction, alleviate the shuttle effect of the battery, and fully reflect the advantages of the heterojunction. Based on this unique design, the material exhibits high specific capacity and good cycling stability as a cathode for lithium-sulfur batteries.

The research work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Basic Business Expenses Project of the Central Universities, and was completed in cooperation with Dr. Chen Yuming of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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